This is another cut out concertina book that is similar to the previous one but dosen't necessarily tell a story. The book features cut out illustrations of 'Night Beasts' in woodland scenes and the pages cane be viewed together to create complete scenes and the illusion of a dense forest.
I like the way it is all black and how it fits with the Night beast theme. It looks really sophisticated and has a nice shadow puppet feel. You could spend ages looking through the individual cut out illustrations and I think people would really enjoy the work.
It is packaged up really nicely and looks like a proper book and even when just open like in the picture above, it looks lovely and a complete work on its own, then opening up the book and seeing all the individual pages would be a delight.
I don't want to make something this intense in terms of paper cut-out, but I do want to ake something that looks great as singular pages and great all together. It also shows that a single narrative dosent have to flow throughout the book, and that sometimes a collection of similar illustrations looks just as nice as a story.
I think the battle in my head between a sequential narrative and separate but uniform illustrations is going to rage on...