Kate Slater

I came across the work of Kate Slater whilst looking for ideas and inspiration for the layered elements of my illustrations. Her work is absolutely amazing and although the layered work is what attracted me, her flat work is still just as wonderful. Collage features heavily in her work and she combines textures and colour to create lovely little collaged characters that often make their way into 3d compositions in the end.
She is very good with colour, each chosen material has the right tone and texture to make the illustration fit and come to life. Collage can be a hard thing to do right, but these works are really well done.
Her drawing style comes through with the collage exceptionally well and helps to show off the cuteness of them. 

Her 3d layered scenes are amazing, the characters are constructed with the same collage techniques of her flat work and then the background and scenery are also made out of collage. She makes up the scenes as a stage play, layering the props over the backdrop and then the characters over that. She makes a wire frame above the backdrop that hold the characters and props suspended in front of the background, and then photographs the whole thing to create these beautiful illustrations.
I just love these illustrations so much, and already having experimented with layering in my work Id love to have a go at this 'extreme' form of it. I don't think I will include collage in my work but the layering and photographing could really work well, and make the illustrations in my book feel really special.